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Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your privacy. We will only use the information that we collect about you lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act (2018) and the PECR. We are voluntarily registered as a data controller in the Information Commissioners data protection register with registration number Z9733716. Visit the register here:

Identity and contact details

Safelincs Ltd
33 West Street
Alford, Lincolnshire
LN13 9FX

Data Protection Team


Data we Process

Processing data can mean collecting, storing and using your data. We only do so to perform tasks you want us to perform. These include one or more of the following:

  • Processing your orders, including delivery and passing your data to our couriers, servicing and installation, product recalls, warranties and to notify you when purchased products reach their end of life or serviceable period
    • name, address, telephone number, email
  • Sending you fire safety reminders you requested
    • mobile number, email
  • Offering product and after-sales support and returns
    • Email, telephone, any supporting information such as address
  • Maintaining your online fire safety log book
    • Name, email
  • Processing job applications
    • Any details shared in your CV, such as name, address, date of birth, etc.
  • Newsletters (soft opt-in)
    • Email
  • Safelincs Customer Survey (soft opt-in)
    • Email and product details
  • TrustPilot (soft opt-in)
    • Email and order details
  • Your public profile on our forum
    • The details in your user profile

We do not store any payment data such as credit or debit card numbers on our servers. Instead, we use third party payment processors who have been vetted to meet the highest security standards.

To help prevent fraud and diagnose errors, your IP address may be recorded in our web logs.

We also process some data in a statistical manner through Google Analytics to understand how we can improve our web site for visitors and present products and information that is relevant and record visitors coming from adverts. IP addresses and referring URLs are used to achieve this. We also use Google Enhanced Conversions, which allows us to further improve our web site by gathering statistical data about ads and conversions. When an order is placed, we encrypt order information such as name, email and address, using SHA256, the industry standard for one-way hashing. This data can't be decrypted, so Google can only understand data you have already shared with them, that we don't have access to. If Google hasn't already got this data, they cannot read it. We do this to protect any new data being shared with Google.

We partner with Microsoft Clarity and Microsoft Advertising to capture how you use and interact with our website through behavioral metrics, heatmaps, and session replay to improve and market our products/services. Website usage data is captured using first and third-party cookies and other tracking technologies to determine the popularity of products/services and online activity. Additionally, we use this information for site optimization, fraud/security purposes, and advertising. For more information about how Microsoft collects and uses your data, visit the Microsoft Privacy Statement.

We do not sell or share your data with any third parties. Some external companies are contracted by us to achieve tasks such as delivery and online payments and where we have to share customer information with them, this is covered by a Data Protection Contract.

We will only contact you to communicate with you about your order, product or service we offer or in any other situation you've specifically requested us to do so. We might also contact you if products you purchased from us or are serviced by us are due to be serviced again or when they reach their end of life and need to be replaced, based on the recommendations of the manufacturer.  We may also offer a discount or offer on replacement products in this email. We regard this as a step to keep you safe. Please let us know if you do not want to be reminded of service dates or end of life periods for your products.

Most order information will be retained for 15 years. Because we deal with safety products and due to many items having extended warranty periods and the significance of possible safety recalls, we have come to the conclusion that it is in our customers' interests for us to securely store this data to be able to support them in the future. This data will not be used for any other purpose, including marketing, except where explicitly requested by you. When we email regarding the end of life of products, we will only present offers or discounts related to the replacement of the products you originally purchased.

We do not record any telephone conversations, however, line managers will occasionally listen-in to conversations to help our staff improve their communication skills and level of service to you.

Our Cookies

Cookies, also known as browser cookies or tracking cookies are small text files which are downloaded to your device (computer, phone, tablet, etc.) when you visit a website. The cookies then send data back to the website or other websites that recognise the cookie.

Cookies have many different uses, such as remembering a user's preferences, allowing efficient navigation and generally improving the user's online experience. They also help companies to identify how many people visit their website, and how they found it. Cookies cannot identify you personally.

More information about cookies and how to manage them can be found at

How do we use cookies

The list below shows the cookies that are in use on our website, why we use them and how long they will stay active on your device.

Name Description Expiration
__utma This cookie contains a unique ID which is used to determine unique visitors to our site. The cookie is updated each page view 2 years from set/update
__utmb This cookie is used to create and continue a user session and determines the amount of time a user is on our site 30 minutes from set/update
__utmz This cookie contains information about how users reached our site. i.e. referring link, direct traffic or website search etc. 30 minutes from set/update
PHPSESSID This generic cookie allows us to create and maintain user's shopping carts and order information When the browser is closed or restarted
jssCustomer This cookie is used if a customer logs into our site and allows us to identify their session 24 days from set/update
__cfduid* This cookie is set by Cloudflare, our security and content delivery provider, to help deliver pages fast and securely 1 year from set/update
SERVERID* This cookie is set by our load balancer to ensure you use the fastest possible web server in our cluster 1 year from set/update
CookieTabShown This cookies is set after we first show our cookie tab on the web site so we don't bother you with it more than once 30 days from set/update
IDontWantCookies When you disabled cookies, we set this single cookie to tell our web site to not set any other cookies that may record personal information 30 days from set/update
ShowPricesIncVat This cookie is set if the inc/ex VAT switch is flipped and stores your preference for displaying product prices on our web site 30 days from set/update

* these cookies will not be deleted when using the Remove Cookies feature as they are required for our web site to work

You can remove your cookies using the Remove Cookies feature, found in the footer of our web pages. This will stop features like adding products to the cart and logging in from working, however. You can enable cookies again by using the same settings in the footer.

Your Rights

The data we process belongs to you. We want you to understand your rights and what options you have. You can make a request to view, erase, modify or restrict processing of data we hold about you and, where there isn't a legal obligation stopping us from doing so and where the request is reasonable, we will process your request within 30 days at no charge.

Please send requests to

You also have the right to complain to your local supervisory authority. Here in the UK we are governed by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

Data Security

We take data security very seriously. We use web hosts with numerous ISO and PCI certifications, including ISO 27001 (information security management). All data transmission, both public facing and between our internal systems is done over a secure connection. Where technically feasible, we also encrypt all user data to industry standards or higher.

Our Compliance

At Safelincs, we endeavor to surpass the minimum requirements for current data protection regulation compliance. We train our staff in data protection principles from the first day of employment and we perform impact assessments and record our activity on all personal data processing on our bespoke data protection management system.

If you have any questions or comments about your privacy or data protection, please email the data protection team.


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